The Do and the Don’t of Vintage Dressing

Don’t buy into trends just for the sake of it. That goes against the grain of buying vintage; your buys will soon be dated. 

Do be open to what appeals to you, regardless of trends. Spend time getting a feel for what you actually like. 


Don’t build a whole look from loud pieces. Unless you’re very experienced, this can result in your clothes wearing you. 

Do embrace a bold piece that speaks to you. Let it do some of the talking for you, without being swallowed up.


Don’t wear head-to-toe vintage (unless you really mean it). Dressing up doesn’t mean dressing for a costume party.

Do mix in well-chosen contemporary wardrobe items. Acquire a set of high-quality, ethically produced basics.


Don’t accumulate vintage that’s badly made or in poor condition. That weird stain or loose zipper will be back to haunt you, rest assured. 

Do look for perfect construction and quality materials in great condition. Train your eye to notice how things are made and maintained.


Don’t disregard your context. How other people receive your look is ultimately beyond your control, but worth considering for max impact. 

Do dress with purpose. Think about what you want your look to say, and to whom. Be articulate. 


Don’t collect ‘not quite right’ items just in case you change your mind. Aspirational items are bound to end up back on the merry-go-round. 

Do collect items that you’ll definitely wear, use and love. Trust me – you’ll know when you’ve found a match. Swipe right.